
Finding a Christmas Tree for the kitchen.

  Because this is a second tree in our home, and just a fun activity to engage in, I didn't want to spend too much money on a tree. I did however want the tree to look as authentic as possible. With our typical one and only tree we have, for years, visited a locally large tree farm; Jones Family Farms in Shelton, Connecticut! It is not a true winter Christmas season without this visit.  Anyway in not wanting to pay a small fortune for a second tree, but in wanting the more realistic look, I sent out a request to our town's Facebook ladies group,  with 6000 plus members . Their responses held answers and then some. Home Depot seemed to be the most reasonable place to go for a live second tree, with their prices in the 30 dollar range. They would be my second choice. I made the decision to take advantage of a Black Friday deal from the online shop of Birch Lane,  Selected this one here. for two main reasons. First the convenience of having a full tree, with a stand, delivered in

Putting a Christmas Tree in the Kitchen.

Antique Biscut Cutter Ornament  I have seen other people do it. Usually the ones who are more elegant in nature then myself. However, having been an antique collector for 10+ years now, thanks to my Aunt Penelope who taught me how to appreciate antiques, I have decided I would like to put up a Christmas Tree in my kitchen and decorate it with antique baking items. Today at the antique store I saw a tarnished doughnut cutter for six dollars. I also saw a biscuit cutter for four dollars. With these two antique finds, and all my cookie cutters from years past, I now have enough ornaments to have a fun, festive, deliciously appetizing tree in the kitchen.  I now just need to find the perfect tree to display my kitchen ware.  Follow me into tomorrow, and I will let you know how this all comes together....